Creamy Tangy Beef Stroganoff Recipe (Made Easy)

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An awesome, delicious beef strongaoff recipe made with tender, well seasoned, fatty beef strips smothered in a savory, and tangy mushroom and onion sauce. This easy-to-make, filling, hearty, and flavorful dish is the perfect autumn midweek dinner. And with all my recipes, easy to make. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you’ll be in heaven in no time. This is a top-tier beef stroganoff recipe you just have to try.

 Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Beef stroganoff is one of my favorite dishes and I think you’ll feel the same after you try this recipe. You may find it interesting that I don’t make it very often. While it’s one of my favorite things to eat, I have to have a taste for it.

I don’t make it very often, but I’ve been badly craving it for the last few weeks. I finally got around to making it a few days ago, and as I devoured it, I had to ask myself, “Why don’t I make this often?”

It was so good I instantly decided to make a recipe a post it for yall. Yall are gonna love this. It’s a unique dish because it’s not something people make everyday but if you love steak and mushrooms, you’ll definitely develope a liking for this dish.

My favorite part is the tangy sauce that goes so well with the seared savory steak. Man, talk about heaven on earth. That’s what eating this recipe feels like, so you have to give it a shot! You’ll definitely be making this again.

Steak is hard to resist being a Philadelphian.

Listen….. I love steak, and although it’s not something you should eat every day, I’m ashamed to admit that I eat it regularly. I mean… I’m from Philadelphia, the home of cheesesteaks, so what do you expect? Lol!

When you’re forced to smell the aroma of well-seasoned marinated steak being cooked at almost every corner store, as soon as you step out of your crib, it becomes hard to resist red meat.

Anyone who lives in Philly or frequents the city knows and will vouch for me when I say there is a poppy store (a small local Latino-owned convenience store that cooks food in the back) on almost every corner.

So it’s hard not to order a cheesesteak at least once a month, which is a habit I’ve cut. However, I still struggle with not eating steak because the aroma entices my craving for red meat, and I always give in. Lol!

I didn’t grow up on beef Stroganoff

Now let me tell you when and how I first learned about beef stroganoff because it wasn’t something my parents cooked AT ALL when I was younger. Actually, the other day when my mom was helping me take photos for this recipe, I asked if she ever had some.

To my surprise, she said, “No!” My mom is 55 and has never had beef stroganoff before—think about that! She said she had only heard of it once or twice before I asked her about it, and when I asked a cousin of mine, he said the same thing—he’s 28.

So, while it’s definitely not unheard of, you won’t hear about people cooking it every day. Now, back to how I first learned about it. Before I get into this story, make sure no children are reading this because it’s rated R. Lol!

My long-time followers and supporters know I’m a pretty blunt, frank, and transparent person—I can’t help it! And if anyone knows anything about Philadelphians, they know we not only keep it real but can also be very straightforward, sometimes to a fault. Lol!

But listen, man, I wouldn’t be Phillyboyjay if I didn’t share this story with you all! And trust me… I didn’t want to, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t say something a bit wild and shocking—it’s sort of what I’m known to do.

Creamy Beef Stroganoff Recipe
Creamy Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Nasty minds, beef Stroganoff story

So one day, about seven years ago, a few friends and I stopped to dine at this steak place in the suburbs. I forgot where we were going, but I remember us being hungry and wanting steak.

So we’re all at the table after being seated… busting it up, laughing, being goofy, and cracking jokes like young men do, when the waiter finally walks over to the table to take our orders.

So, while my homie and I were busy joking and laughing (probably about something dumb), my immature ears heard my other friend, who was making his order, say, “Be stroking off,” to the waiter.

I remember the friend I was goofing around with saying, “WHAT”? followed by me asking him, “What did you say”? I think the waiter knew what WE THOUGHT HE SAID, so he chuckled and said “He asked if he could order beef stroganoff”.

My friend chuckled as he asked the waiter, “Ohhhh, what the hell is that?” The waiter laughed and said, “It’s tender chopped steak with mushrooms and onions covered in a savory tangy sauce. It’s good; you should try it.” 

And we both were like, “Ohhhh”. My friend who made the order asked, “Yall never heard of beef stroganoff”? And we’re just sitting there looking at him, thinking, “Were we supposed to”? Lol!

Anyway, that story was always so funny to me so I had to share it with you all. It would be young men having sexual thoughts come to mind while someone’s making an order at a restaurant. Lol! Smh!

That was my crazy introduction to beef stroganoff, though. Although I didn’t try it that day, it was appetizing enough to put it on my list of foods to try, and I did soon after. I dont have to tell you I really enjoyed it do I?


  • Large Skillet: We’ll be using a large skillet to cook the stroganoff in.
  • Knife: Use a sharp knife to chop the steak and vegetables.
  • Big Spoon: We’re using a big spoon to stir everything in and to serve.
  • Measuring Cup: The measuring cup is to measure the liquids and sour cream mixture accurately.
  • Measuring Spoons: The measuring spoons are to measure the seasonings accurately.

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • Meat: Rib Eye Steak
  • Liquid: Beef Broth, Red Cooking Wine, and Water
  • Vegetable add-ins: Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, and Garlic
  • Seasonings: Salt, Beef Bouillon Cube, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Italian Seasoning, Thyme, and Black Pepper.
  • Condiments: Sour Cream, Dijon Mustard, and Worcestershire Sauce
  • Other: Flour, Butter, and Oil

Steak and alternatives

  • Rib eye steak – Ribe eye steak is the best type of steak to use for this recipe because it’s tender and fatty with an amazing flavor and that’s the kind of steak you want to go for.
  • Good quality steak: You know a good quality of steak when it’s marbled! Marbling has a good effect on the juiciness, flavor, and tenderness of a steak so you want to go for a marbled steak like Rib Eye Steak. 
  • A good alternative: Another alternative steak you can use that are marbled, tender, and packed with flavor is a Top Sirloin steak, which would be the best alternative. Beef chuck boneless steak, which gets overlooked sometimes and left in Rib Eye steak shadow but it tastes great, will also be a great option!
Beef Steak

Beef broth, cooking wine, and alternatives

  • Beef broth: Broth enhances the beefy flavor of the dish, but if you don’t have any on hand, hopefully you have some beef bouillon cubes. Beef bouillon cubes + water = Beef Broth. Use 1 bouillon cube per cup of water for broth.
  • Cooking wine: I use a little white cooking wine. The wine adds depth of flavor but is not necessary AT ALL! It wasn’t even part of my original recipe, so if for whatever reason you don’t want to use it, feel free to omit it from the recipe. 

The vegetable add-ins

  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms are one of the main ingredients. Beef stroganoff is not complete without them, so this ingredient is a must! My favorite kind of mushrooms are baby bella mushrooms! If all you can find are whole mushrooms, just slice them in half.
  • Onions: Just like mushrooms, onions are a must! I like to use yellow onions because of their strong flavor. Yellow onions are all-purpose onions, and they caramelize the best, making them perfect for dishes like this.
  • Garlic: Garlic and steak taste so good together that you’d think they were for each other. I don’t even want steak without some type of garlic on it. If you don’t have minced garlic, you can mince some garlic cloves yourself in a blender or processor or use additional garlic powder.
  • Green peppers: The green peppers came about from Jay just being Jay. Yall know I always add something different to dishes to make them mine, I’m just unique in that way and when I threw some in to get rid of the last bit I had, I liked what it did for the stroganoff and decided to add it to the recipe.
Beef Stroganoff Recipe

The sour cream and Mustard

  • Dijon mustard: Beef stroganoff is known for its BEEFY but TANGY flavored sauce. Well, what gives it its primary flavor is tangy sour ingredients like mustard and sour cream. These two ingredients are just as important as the steak itself because it’s what makes stroganoff, stroganoff.
  • Grey Poupon: This is the way to go! I use this specific kind of Dijon mustard because of it’s neutral mustard flavor. I can’t tell you not to use spicy Dijon mustard, but I think the Grey Poupon, which a lot of people use for beef stroganoff, gives it more of a traditional taste. 
 Beef Stroganoff Recipe
  • Sour cream: Sour cream not only adds depth of flavor and tang but also gives the sauce a nice smooth consistency and lightens it to give the classic beef stroganoff color.
  • A good alternative: If you don’t have sour cream, cream of mushroom will make a pretty good substitution but it won’t taste quite the same. By the way, try to use a good brand of sour cream for the dish’s integrity. Don’t get any cheap stuff! 

The slurry

Okay, so this is where the all-purpose flour comes in. The flour thickens the sauce a little. I create what’s known as a slurry, which is when you stir flour or cornstarch into a liquid like water or broth that later turns into a gravy once heated. 

This method is perfect for making gravy or thickening a sauce because it does so without forming lumps. Always create a slurry using cool liquid. Adding flour to hot liquid is a NON, NO, and a mistake I’m sure we’ve all made before.

I remember making baked smothered turkey wings for the first time—and it was for dinner for my family. I seasoned them to perfection and browned them nicely too, but added the flour to hot broth and turkey juices without creating a slurry first and the gravy came out lumpy.

You could still see lumps of raw flour throughout the gravy. I was so mad and there’s a way to fix this too but you can prevent it by simply creating a slurry to avoid this from happening to begin with.

How to make beef Stroganoff

  1. Slice up the steak and season well with seasonings and Worcestershire.
  2. Saute the vegetables until onions translucent, then sear the steak for 8 minutes over medium high heat.
  3. Combine the sour cream mustard and herbs and create the slurry.
    Untitled 31
  4. Add bouillon and slurry to steak, cover with lid, leaving a crack on the side and simmer over medium heat for 45 mins.
  5. Add in the sauteed vegetables and continue cooking for 15 minutes.
  6. Add in the sour cream mixture, stir and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Garnish with parsley and serve.
Beef Stroganoff

Tips for best results:

  • It’s best to cut the steak while it’s frozen. Steak is slippery when unfrozen, making it hard to slice. So, if you have time, remove the excess fat from the steak and clean it. Then, freeze it for a few hours before slicing it up.
  • Don’t clean the pan after searing the steak. Those little remnants left over at the bottom of the pan add additional beef flavor to the dish, so removing them is a no-no! Keep all those remanents, if any, and juices in the pan!!
  • Stir periodically to prevent sticking, and if possible, use a non-stick skillet.

What to serve with beef stroganoff?

  • Egg noodles: My favorite thing to eat beef stroganoff over is egg noodles and that’s what people eat it with the most. The noodles and mushrooms taste so good together.
  • White rice: Another one of my favorites to eat this stroganoff over is white rice. Yum! Maybe not as good as egg noodles, but a close second option esp[especially if it’s all you have on hand.
  • Mashed potatoes: You can’t go wrong with steak and mashed potatoes. I’ve never had beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes but I can only imagine how good it is and have seen people eat this way.
Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Vegetable Side Dish Suggestions:

Beef stroganoff tastes very good with various vegetables such as mixed vegetables, sweet buttery corn, green beans, and asparagus. These are really good vegetable sides to have with this dish, and I have easy, simple recipes below for each one. 

Storage and reheating

  • How to store beef StroganoffPlace it in a bowl, like a Tupperware bowl, and make sure it is tightly covered with a lid, plastic wrap, or aluminum foil. Then, store it in the refrigerator.
  • How to reheat beef Stroganoff? Place it in a pot with a little broth and stir it periodically while it simmers over low heat until it’s nice and hot.  You can also just warm it up in a microwave.

Frequently asked questions

  • How long does it last? Up until about 3 days if stored properly in the refrigerator and tightly sealed.
Creamy Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Anywayz….. I don’t want to talk you all to death so give my beef stroganoff recipe a shot; I know you’ll love it. It’s so hearty and creamy and one of my favorite steak dishes mainly because of its robust flavor.

It’s become a staple dinner for my family and believe it or not, it’s taken some time for me to master it. But… I did, and it’s so darn good that I had to share it. Check out the recipe below and give it a shot.

PLEASE GIVE ME 5 STARS if you like it, share, and leave a comment below, it really helps. Also subscribe to receive notifications for future recipes and follow me on social media by clicking these links: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Enjoy, later!

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Creamy Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Creamy Tangy Beef Stroganoff Recipe (Made Easy)

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 5 from 4 reviews
  • Author: PhillyboyJay
  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 1hr 20mins
  • Total Time: 1hr 40mins
  • Yield: 4
  • Category: Steak & Beef
  • Method: American
  • Cuisine: Russian


Creamy tangy Beef Stroganoff with savory sauteed mushrooms, and onions over wide egg noodles.


  • 1.5 Lb Boneless Rib Eye Steak, chopped
  • 3 Cups Baby Bella Mushrooms
  • 11/2 Cup Onions, coarsely chopped
  • 2 Tbs Green Pepper, chopped
  • 2 Tbs Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbs Butter
  • 2 Tbs All Purpose Flour
  • 3 Cups Beef Broth
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup White Cooking Wine
  • 1/3 Cup Sour Cream
  • 1/4 Cup Cream Of Mushroom
  • 1 Tbs Minced Garlic
  • 2 Tsps Dijon Mustard
  • 1 Tsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1 Beef Flavor Bouillon Cube
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Onion Powder
  • 1/4 Tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1/4 Tsp Thyme
  • 1/4 Tsp Black Pepper



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Hello guys, it’s Jay! Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you decided to stop by. Here on phillyjaycooking you will learn how to cook some of your favorite dishes in a fun and easy way. All of my recipes are beginner-friendly, so if you’re new in the kitchen and looking for a way to boost your skills, you’ve come to the right place. So get ya cookware and utensils because it’s time to cook and learn together.

Join the Conversation

  1. Tina McNeill says:

    . Not made it yet. But all your other recipes are fabulous. Can’t wait to try this one. Ching ching yummy payment too my heart thanks sooo much for sharing the love 😊

  2. Delicious cooking this Thursday

  3. Cant wait to try this

  4. Can’t wait to try this!! Never used wine before but I know is fire. Hilarious story btw!!!!!!

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