The BEST Macaroni Salad Recipe Ever (With Video)

A crowd-pleasing salad filled with a variety of chopped vegetables, and has an amazing sweet & tangy flavor! It’s the perfect salad for parties, family picnics, and summer cookouts.

Easy Macaroni Salad Recipe
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Ok, so… I have to give my aunt Lorretta a huuuuge shoutout because she’s partly responsible for the creation of what is the best macaroni salad EVER.

She has a knack for knowing just the right amount of seasonings and condiments to use to produce the perfect dish. And so I called her over to assist me in creating this recipe because I had never made it before.

Macaroni salad isn’t popular in the black community

There is a misnomer frequently used in the black community. I say this because if you ask the average African American to make macaroni salad, they’ll probably put Tuna in it! LMBO!

When I asked my Retta to come over and help me create this, the first thing she asked was, “Ok, what kind of Tuna do you use”? I responded, “Tuna, what do we need Tuna for”? She looked at me like I was crazy. LMBBO!

That’s because, in the black community, we rarely make “Macaroni” salad. We make what is called “Tuna Macaroni salad” and so that’s what most of us think of when we hear someone say Macaroni salad.

I think we’ve been making it with Tuna for so long that most of us only think of macaroni salad with tuna in it. But no, there’s a difference between macaroni salad and tuna macaroni salad. Lol!

Macaroni vs Tuna macaroni salad

I also want to make note that this salad tastes nothing like my delicious Tuna Macaroni salad recipe… it’s tangier because of the vinegar and much “looser”. I use a lot of the same ingredients such as peppers, onions, relish, mustard, and mayo.

But there are ingredients I use, like vinegar, that I don’t put in my Tuna Macaroni salad. I was so excited to create this recipe, though, because I love answering requests, and my YouTube subscribers have begged me to make this for years.

I remember one of my subscribers asking me to do a video on how to make macaroni salad. I told her I had already done two videos, and she said, “Two videos on how to make TUNA macaroni salad, not macaroni salad.”

When she said that, I knew she was Caucasian because, as I said earlier, most black folks mistakenly refer to tuna macaroni salad as macaroni salad, and it’s not the same. Lol!

Macaroni Salad
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Kim’s poppy store

Okay, STORY TIME! I remember this Chinese Deli store back in the 90s that was around the corner from my aunt’s old house in Philly. Aunt Janet, remember the one I said always brought the banging Italian Seafood Salad to every family cookout?

I modified and shared her Creamy Spaghetti Seafood Salad Recipe with yall a few months back. Anyway, this store right around the corner from where she lived was called Kim’s! They sold the best macaroni salad I’ve ever had.

It tastes great with fried fish. They served the macaroni salad in a little container as a side dish on fish platters. Anyway, everybody loved Kim’s Macaroni salad, so that’s the taste Lorretta and I were going for when creating this recipe…

We tried our best to emulate it and get ours to taste as close as possible to theirs, and we did just that—I may be a bit biased, but I think mine tastes a little better—I lie to you, not!

Cookware and utensils you’ll need:

  • Potato peeler: A potato peeler is used to peel the carrots.
  • Cheese Grater: This makes it easy to shred the fresh carrots.
  • Large Pot: This is needed to boil the macaroni in.
  • Large Mixing Bowl: This is needed to make the salad in.
  • Knife: Have a knife on hand to chop up the vegetables into small pieces.
  • Spatula: You need a spatula to stir the noodles and fold in the ingredients.
  • Big Spoon: You need a big spoon to serve the salad once it’s done.
  • Measuring Cups: These are very useful for measuring the mayo.
  • Measuring Spoons: These are useful for measuring the seasonings and add-ins.

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • Pasta: Macaroni Pasta
  • Vegetable add-ins: Red onions, red peppers, carrots, and celery.

Ingredients for the salad dressing:

  • Mayo: Mayonnaise is the main ingredient and base for the salad dressing. Make sure you use a good brand of mayo like Dukes or Hellmann’s because, again, it’s the base and, therefore, what you would taste the most.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar is one of the most important ingredients because of the tanginess it gives the dressing. It took me a few days to figure out that this is what KIM’s put in their mac salad to give it that special tangy flavor.
  • Sweet relish: Sweet relish adds a pickle flavor to the dressing while also adding a mild sweetness. The sweet relish is just as important as the vinegar. Both of these condiments are what make the salad what it is.
  • Mustard: The mustard adds tartness to the salad, which balances what is a pretty sweet salad. It also adds a little color, changing the dressing from white to beige.
  • Sugar: I don’t use much, but it’s needed because the sweet relish alone doesn’t give the salad the level of sweetness it needs, so make sure you have some white sugar on hand.
  • Salt: Salt is used to taste and enhance the flavor. Salt is very important because it makes every flavor in the salad more potent. OI wouldn’t replace this with seasoning salt or any complete seasoning.
  • Garlic powder: The garlic powder adds a little depth of flavor, but I only use a little because too much of its pungent flavor can completely ruin the salad. All you need is a little bit of this.
  • Black pepper: Black Pepper just makes everything taste better and is an essential ingredient in salads. I dont think there’s a salad I DON’T put a little pepper in.

Common questions about macaroni

  • What brand of macaroni do you use? A good name brand like Barilla, Mueller’s, and Ronzoni, to De Cecco and San Giorgio are good options. I’m not big on brands of pasta. As long as it’s a good brand, I’m good.
  • Should you boil macaroni with oil? It’s not needed! Some believe the oil keeps the macaroni from sticking, but even if it does, it’ll easily separate when you stir in all the ingredients and dressing.
  • Why add salt to pasta water? Adding salt just adds flavor to the macaroni and releases some of the starch. Seasoning the pasta is important because it adds to the overall deliciousness of the dish.
  • What does it mean to “cook until al dente”? When you see recipes online instructing you to “cook pasta until al dente, it means to “cook until tender but firm”. This means to not overcook the pasta to where it’s completely done.
  • Should you rinse the macaroni with cool water once it’s done? YES! Rinse it to cool it down and stop the cooking process, as it continues cooking when hot. So remove it from the pot of hot water immediately, strain it, and then rinse with cool water.

The vegetables

  • Carrots: I peel carrots with a potato peeler and shred a very small amount, about 1 tablespoon worth, with a grater. However, you might be able to find some pre-shredded carrots at your local grocery store.
  • Red onions: I like to use red onions because of their neutral, mild flavor, which won’t be too strong for the salad, and because of the color. I use them in almost all my salads for the same reason.
  • Red Peppers: I love using red peppers for their color, too, because they make the salad so pretty!!! Yeah, you can call me superficial, but I like my food to taste good and look good, too!!
  • Celery: You just can’t NOT add celery to macaroni salad. It’s an absolute MUST!! This is the one vegetable I probably use the most for my salad recipes. The same goes for onions—you just have to have them!
Del-Style Macaroni Salad Recipe
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Salt to taste

Now, when it comes to the salt… listen, we all have different sensitivity levels to salt, so if you’re concerned about over-seasoning the dressing, this is what I’d advise you to do.

Start by adding a little salt at a time until the salad reaches your desired taste. Some people commented under the video, saying it was too salty for them, while others said they added more salt, so yeah, salt to taste!

How to make macaroni salad

1. Preheat the water and then boil the macaroni.

2. Combine the condiments and seasonings to create the dressing.

Macaroni Salad Recipe
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3. Chop the vegetables, then add them to the dressings.

Macaroni Salad Recipe
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4. After combining everything, sit it in the refrigerator…

5. Afterwards, fold in the macaroni once chilled.

Macaroni Salad Recipe
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6. Garnish it with parsley flakes.

Macaroni Salad Recipe
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7. Cover it with plastic wrap, then sit it in the refrigerator to chill. 

The BEST Macaroni Salad Recipe Ever Video

What to serve with it:

Frequently asked questions

  • Do you have to use macaroni? Not necessarily! It is called “macaroni” salad for a reason! If you like the dressing and would like to use these ingredients with another type of pasta, go for it!!!
  • How to store macaroni saladPlace the salad in a dish or Tupperware bowl, tightly seal it with a lid or plastic wrap, and store it in the refrigerator. I like to place it on the bottom row so it doesn’t freeze! Lol!
  • How long does macaroni salad last? Definitely by three days… after three days, salads rarely taste the same or as good. They aren’t meant to last long, especially ones made with mayo. And it’s so good I don’t think it will. Lol!
Macaroni Salad Recipe
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I want you all to give this recipe a shot. It might end up being everyone’s favorite macaroni salad recipe. My friends tried it, and after two spoonfuls, they were grunting and shaking their heads.

That means they were experiencing a full-blown foodgasm. LMBBO!! The recipe is below and available to print, so check it out and let me know what ya think. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe for more recipes.

Enjoy, later!

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Del-Style Macaroni Salad Recipe
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The BEST Macaroni Salad Recipe Ever (With Video)

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 5 from 7 reviews
  • Author: PhillyboyJay
  • Prep Time: 20 Mins
  • Cook Time: 20 Mins
  • Total Time: 40 Mins
  • Yield: 8
  • Category: Salad
  • Cuisine: American


Creamy, homemade, deli-style macaroni salad recipe.


  • 8 oz Elbow Macaroni
  • 2 Qts Water + 1 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Tbs Red Onion, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbs Red Bell Peppers, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbs Celery, finely chopped
  • 1 Tbs Carrots, finely shredded
  • 21/2 Cups Hellman’s Mayo
  • 1/4 Cup Sweet Relish
  • 2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Tsp Mustard
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/4 Tsp Black Pepper
  • Parsley Flakes (For decoration purposes)


  1. Fill a large pot with cool water, add in the salt, and place over high heat.
  2. After 10 minutes, or once the water comes to a boil, add in the pasta, then stir well.
  3. Boil the pasta for 10 minutes, then strain the water immediately.
  4. Peel and shred a carrot, then chop the onion, pepper, and celery into very small pieces.
  5. Get a large mixing bowl, add in the mayo, relish, mustard, vinegar, sugar, and seasonings, and whisk well.
  6. Then add in the chopped vegetables and stir well.
  7. Add in the macaroni, fold well, then garnish with parsley flakes.
  8. Cover with plastic wrap and set in the refrigerator to chill.


  • Serving Size: 8
Easy Macaroni Salad Recipe
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Hello guys, it’s Jay! Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you decided to stop by. Here on phillyjaycooking you will learn how to cook some of your favorite dishes in a fun and easy way. All of my recipes are beginner-friendly, so if you’re new in the kitchen and looking for a way to boost your skills, you’ve come to the right place. So get ya cookware and utensils because it’s time to cook and learn together.

14 thoughts on “The BEST Macaroni Salad Recipe Ever (With Video)”

  1. I’m glad I found your website a few months back I was looking for it on your YouTube but some recipes were missing I’m glad I was able to locate you I will never lose you again lol this is my fav dish to bring to events

  2. Jay, you list “Mustard” among the ingredients. What kind of mustard, though? Dijon, spicy brown, honey style, or Coleman’s dry mustard powder? I want to make this right!

    1. Whenever you see a recipe that calls for mustard and it doesn’t specify, it means yellow mustard. Thanks for asking.


    I made this recipe and it was thee best, I mean the besttttt macaroni salad I ever tasted…. Thanks phillyboijay…..keep them recipes comming….

  4. Today will be my 2nd time making your macaroni salad recipe as it was highly requested for a family cookout and this is the BEST

  5. Up at 430am making this dish… nothing else to do since CoronaVirus got us locked down. This is my first time actually making a recipe, I’ve watched for yeears. I made this and was super skeptical because of the sugar… and the fact that celery is not my favorite… and I’d never heard of using carrots… but my son will NOT eat tuna in macaroni salad. So Jay, I tried you out… and this is the best, I SAID THE BEST! Macaroni salad I have ever tasted in my whole life!!! I am sooo pleasantly surprised! Thank you so much for sharing with us all these years, I’m so glad I tried this… I can’t believe I made this! I couldn’t wait for the fridge, I ate it right away! Stay safe and God Bless You… Fan 4 life right here!

  6. I have been watching you for a few years and when i cook like you do my kids love the food I love how you cook and it tastes so good thank you keep it all coming

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Hey yall, Its Jay!!

Welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you decided to stop by. Here on phillyjaycooking you will learn how to cook some of your favorite dishes in a fun and easy way. All of my recipes are beginner-friendly, so if you’re new in the kitchen and looking for a way to boost your skills, you’ve come to the right place. So get ya cookware and utensils because it’s time to cook and learn together.

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